Print4U is a professional print shop in Richmond Hill,ON provides high quality & affordable personal, corporate flyer printing service.
Same Day Flyer Printing Service is available and All service & price inquiry calls from Richmond Hill, Markham, Vaughan, New Market and Greater Toronto Area are welcome!
Flyers can be considered as a pocket friendly & easy to distribute marketing material which still works for almost every business.
Design it professionally, print it on good quality materials and deliver your message or offer to clients, it works for you.

Flyer Printing Frequently Asked Questions
Can you design a flyer for my business?
Yes, we provide both flyer design and flyer printing service. If you already have your flyer artwork, we can print it for you and if you don’t, No worry, we help you by designing it.
Can I use my own design for flyers?
That depends on the type of design, in some cases we cannot use custom designs because of low graphical quality or color technical limitations. In all cases, we will check your design to get your idea and then we suggest the best solution for your flyers printings.
Can I order any quantity of flyer for printing?
Technically yes, we don’t have any limitation on printing flyers for you, but in some cases (urgent services or emergency cases) we will have limitations from time and quantity points of view.
Can I use online or desktop flyer design software to save my budget?
Both yes and no, if you are a professional graphic designer and you know required technical details of flyer design and printing, that kind of websites or applications will be helpful for you. You can provide us the artwork and we take care of printings. If you are not a professional designer we suggest that you save your time and let us design it for you.
Do you print custom size flyers?
Yes we do, there may be some technical considerations for large size flyers but we will review it together and our printing experts will share all required details with you.
What is the standard size of a flyer?
These are well-known flyer sizes: 3.5" x 8.5" , 5.5" x 8.5" , 8.5" x 11" , 8.5" x 14" , 11" x 17" , 11" x 25.5"
We provide custom and professional flyer printing service for the greater Toronto area specially Richmond Hill, Markham, Vaughan and Thornhill, ON
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